Insanity – Day 23 – Cardio Power and Resistance

Well, I was not really in the mood to workout due to the fact that:

A:  I had to mow the lawn when I got home from work.  (Takes a little over an hour with my push mower)

B:  I then had to pitch batting practice to 11 players, each player gets a five gallon bucket of balls to hit (about 75 pitches) so a total of  825 pitches.

C. Then I had to fix the grill so I could cook dinner.  (Gas regulator needed to be replaced, so it was 8pm before I got dinner)

D. My back was then sore from pitching and my knee was starting to swell up. (Plant leg for pitching)

E. Cardio Power and Resistance started at 9:30pm and is loaded with Power Jumps and lots of hops.

As usual, my legs always ache during the first run through of the warm up, but by the second pass they usually start feeling better.  Not this time, it was well into the third round of the warmup before the pain had subsided and I was feeling better.   Into the stretch we went, and that set off a whole new set of aches and pains.  It REALLY sucks being 43 years old!!!  The joints and tendons just don’t recover like the used to.

Anyways, what does the Cardio Power and Resistance workout start out with???  Flipping Power Jumps (or Jump Knee Tucks as that dipshit Tony Horton called them)  What a way to take a knee that was feeling a little bit tender from planting 800 or more times while pitching batting practice, and make it hurt like a son of a bitch.   The screen says “Land Softly”  well no shit dude,  but even so I can feel the pain building up, and the range of motion getting worse as the fluid builds up in there.   Of course each subsequent round leads to further pounding, (I do kind of cheat and land on the other leg a little bit more than the left one) but that only prolongs the pain. 

Eventually we get past the first session and the Power Jumps are finished.  Thank God.    Session two:   Hurdle Jumps are OK,  Globe Jumps:  Aww Damn I hate these fricking things,  Moving Pushups are good,  Floor Sprints are OK.   Repeat that for 3 rounds.  Anyone else notice that just prior to round 2 of this session is when Shaun lets out that fantastic,  “Come on ya allllll, let’s goooooo” that they use at the start of each of the DVD’s?  Classic.

The workout is finished off with a full minute of 8 Hop Squats/ 8 Push-ups.  Then you either pass out, or simply crawl into the fetal position and sweat to death.  Either way, the workout is now complete.  A few minutes of cool down stretching and it is time for the showers.

One Response to Insanity – Day 23 – Cardio Power and Resistance

  1. Courtney says:

    My DH and I always say “Ssss-ggggggggooooooooooo!” to each other when we are dreading our workout. 😀 It’s not really motivation so much as hysterical.

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